Where heart meets hustle to create a speech structure that feels good and gets results

Speech StructureFor some of us speech “structure” is a dirty word.

We would rather create a speech that flowed, that felt natural, that was real, not contrived.

For others, structure is the backbone of all that they do in creating and delivering a presentation.

I grew through my speaking creeer using the second mindset and it worked in building my excellence.

But in progressing into more confident, more natural-feeling speaking, I have combined it with a different view.  It’s the same structure but the way I think about it is VERY different and I have my new approach, the THREE Cs.

The best feeling for everyone concerned with any speech is certainly for it to flow smoothly – a journey for you and your audience, effortlessly to the end that you designed
-for yourself
-and for them.

The next best thing is to be reassured, for yourself and for your audience that you are in control of yourself and of the situation

and that your audience is being considered

– that you will lead them through the event, that you are engaging – which is making your audience feel present, and engaged + reassuring for you.

– that your audience is being given information that considers their needs and feelings and is being given the opportunity to reflect on its usefulness

–  and that you and your audience can both move on from the speech with a commitment to something better for you all.

Sounds like pie in the sky?

It’s not.

And it starts with the mindset that runs the THREE Cs foundation of the speech.

Learn more about this mindset and how you can use it to give you more confidence and more effective speaking with this short video …



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