Story to Stage


Fast Track the growth of your Speaking Presence with

On Your Feet Platform Practice

!Outstanding! Accelerator Program

Learn how to present your story in your own unique, authentic style,

in a safe, friendly environment

where you can experiment, have fun,

and get expert feedback and peer support

+ cut down the time and effort it would otherwise take to become

a great speaker.


I called this program !Outstanding! because that's how it feels - it feels good to be you, speaking to your audience, sharing your story, in flow, and achieving connection and response.


!Outstanding! because that's how it looks and sounds - you and your story, being yourself, in flow and engaged with your audience. 


!Outstanding! because it allows you to stand out in a good way - highlighting you and your natural qualities and the gift you have for the world, for your audience, so that you can be remembered, repeated, referred and rehired.


All the great speakers were bad speakers first.


You have greatness within you.  We all do.


It just needs to be honed and brought to light - the great speaker - the effortless communion with an audience on the edge of their seats, the fluent, charismatic speaking, the success.  All of the winning sportsmen, the great artists, the dancers, poets and even salesmen that we admire had to hone their craft, practise it, "fail" over and over until they achieved what we see now - their confident, fluent success.  


Using the stage is a learned skill.  You can learn it.


Confidence grows with small steps towards losing the fear and building success.  You can face the fear and overcome it by taking small, safe steps without fear of embarrassment.


Remembering what to say and saying it fluently is just a matter of practice.


So is engaging an audience with eye contact, flexible content and body language that adds up to persuasion and trust.


And that's why I have created this package of 8 practice sessions with a stage, an audience, a safe environment and constructive, supportive feedback - to give you the chance to replace anxious with awesome, to learn stage skills, to practice fluent speaking and audience engagement without having to risk "failing" and embarrassment at a speaking gig that matters to you.   


That wisdom from Ralph Waldo Emerson has been shared and quoted and put onto visuals thousands and thousands of times because it resonates,


because it is a truth, that we cannot have success immediately and that it's OK - everyone has to start out as less than wonderful, less than great.  Despite all the learning you have done, all the theory, the books, the seminars, are you feeling that you still have not achieved the level of "greatness" you know you need, and should be able to achieve?


Because being a natural speaker is not enough.


Having a great idea and great content is not enough,


because in order to become a great speaker, we have to progress through that early stage through to greatness and success.


We have to practise.


Perhaps that's the stage you are going through right now - transitioning out of "not so great" to the vision of yourself as a speaker.


You have a wonderful idea, a message that will change lives, possibly even great content, but somehow it doesn't flow, or you're not engaging the audience as well as you would like, or you aren't getting the results you wanted.


And yes, you can keep trying and being "not so great" and improving as you go.


You might be finding, though, that old habits and mindsets can be hard to break.


Our companions may not be aware of what makes "great speaking".


They may be kind enough to give us the outcomes we want, without us needing to be so great.


All of those things may be slowing down your improvement, slowing down the process of you becoming the great speaker you can, and will, be.


When we get out into the world, with different audiences, which do tend to be encouraging, but not always so responsive, we discover that we are still not quite the great we wanted to be,


and/or it doesn't feel so great.


If that is you, or if you just want to be better, not necessarily "great", but to feel better about speaking, to speak fluently, to engage with your audiences, to achieve the outcomes you want as a great speaker, then the

!Outstanding! Accelerator program is for you!







This is




You will learn how to speak anywhere, any time, in your own authentic style.


You will be involved in


the practice that can make the difference between your being a not-so-great speaker and a great speaker, or even between you as a good speaker and you as a great one.  It allows you to experience that, and experience it multiple times in any one session.  Numbers are capped at 6 for each group so that each speaker receives those multiple opportunities and can deeply consolidate any changes they make in response to feedback


expert feedback - I have more than 40 years of giving feedback to speakers, from CEOs to those too fearful to say their own name in front of an audience, from farmers in the grain belt to creatives and corporate leaders thriving in the big city


"Bronwyn's down-to-earth personality helped me to open up and allow myself to get vulnerable when it came to receiving feedback on my presentation. Not something I'm usually comfortable with! She calmed my nerves immediately, so I didn't have to worry about what I got 'wrong'. Our session was much more about where I could improve and how to enhance what I do to get maximum impact. The way she applied the public speaking theory to my actual talk, personality, and circumstances was so helpful; her insights were both professional and personal, and she saw into what I was trying to achieve, but added several layers of polish! I can't wait to apply what I've learned from Bronwyn and marry the concepts with the real-life practice. Thank you so much!" ~ Kris



the feedback process - the process helps you to learn in three ways - you learn by doing, you learn by modeling the others in the group and you learn by giving other speakers feedback, as well as from my own encouragement.  This system garners a lot of its power from utilizing group feedback - always.


Thanks Bronwyn for creating a space for us to share and develop our speaking and so much more . Thanks for the feedback also really valuable ~ Fiona


the campfire effect - My aim is always to provide an environment where you can be yourself, tell your own story, and to learn with others as they experiment and grow.  It is also part of my support to encourage you to try something new, to experience a different way of doing things, to understand why something else might work.  You can then choose your own way that fits with your values, personality and message.


Great opportunity to practice public speaking in a very safe environment. Loving it! ~ Valerie





I always knew about the value of coaches and training and practice in the sporting world, but that world is not my world. 


In my own world, I do know about the value of doing something and practising, in order to become it, though, and to excel at it ... of putting in the time to practise and to train.  During those 40 years of helping others I was also pushing myself to speak, to experience, to improve and grow, competing in and getting my share of wins in speech contests, presenting at speaking and leadership conferences, and college training.  I do it still today, choosing audiences and environments to challenge and grow.


Ask any great sports person, or read their biography, or see them on television, and you will find that that is how they stay at the top of their game - constant experience - constantly building that muscle memory until much of their excellence is habit and they can give their mind to responding to the situation itself. 


I watched the movie, "Rush" and was absolutely captivated by Chris Hemsworth, sorry, James Hunt, sitting on the floor in his hotel bedroom, going through the physical activity he would need the following day, as he visualised himself racing around the track in a frighteningly (to me) fast, powerful car - all the accelerating, the braking and the gear changes - on his bedroom floor.


And it's what we do as speakers, stand in front of an imaginary audience, and practice, feeling, seeing, hearing what will happen when we stand to speak, and to be great.


What if you could actually do that?


... stand in front of an actual audience and practise - all the gear changes, sorry, the gestures, the phrases, the body language, the engagement, the style - except in this case, the pressure is off - no need to compete, to excel, to be perfect, to win the outcomes you wanted.  That audience is supporting you, challenging you in a nice way to experiment, to find your best - not THE best, but YOUR best, as a GREAT SPEAKER.  Designing your greatness and then creating the muscle memory to achieve it, learning how it will feel to be powerful and of service, to inspire and to speak eloquently, so that you can replicate that with ease each and every time you speak, wherever you speak.


That is what I am offering in this program.








In these eight sessions you will


Practise - learning what it feels like to stand and be great, to stand and communicate ...


or to sit and be great and communicate -


to gesture, to connect, to engage -


to use your facial  muscles, and to commit that process into muscle memory so the "greatness" becomes habit


It was a lot of fun and I look forward to making my rehearsals in the future. Thanks for giving us these strategies to use - most helpful ~ Rhonda


Experience - your style of communication and speaking


and what it feels like to turn that into a performance, to shift the energy, to play with an audience and draw them into the vision for change that you have for them


and then to be able to adapt that to what works for you, what is congruent with your personal style and values and beliefs.

I felt the experience was unique to my personality & needs as Bronwyn was able to offer a program that included a variety of styles and techniques in a non-judging environment. Benefits: increased reassurance; greater awareness/perception; clearer communication. I would recommend Bronwyn to anyone seeking more confidence speaking publicly and wishing to build on presentation delivery.” – Matt. B


Develop - confidence and fluency


learning the mindsets that work with the stance and the gestures and the connections to keep you great


learning how to develop the "memory" for fluency - it really is a habit, and it can be learned.


Access - your message, your gift, your content


so that your mind finds the words, the message, the structure of your presentation when that is necessary


not just from a pre-rehearsed script, but from your deepest knowledge and belief in what you have to give


adapting to the needs of the audience and the situation


Great session, thanks ... I loved the experiential work. And thanks for the tips re my talk tonight. I feel much better informed and prepared now. ~ Louise


Re-Connect - with your self-worth


with the belief that what you have to offer has value


with the belief that though you may be breaking the speaking "rules" or not fitting with the current "trend" in speaking, that your style is just as powerful and can create greatness far outranking any effort you might make to copy from or compete with other speakers no matter how successful (that's not to say that you cannot learn from or be stimulated by other speakers or competitors!!)


Thank you ... for your support and comments, yes I can now see how far I have come, and there is more to go ...  my humble appreciation What a beautiful space to be in thank you Bronwyn for your support and guidance  ~ Jan


So if you would like to accelerate you growth to being your best, if you just want to feel great as a speaker, in somewhat less than the eight months or eight years that it might take if you continue being something less than that, while you improve ...




Join us now -




The first group begins on 7th April, and then meets fortnightly.


Your cost is $360 which covers the 8  sessions, and pays for a space where, in just 2 1/2 hours each time, you can experiment and interact as you learn through doing, hearing, seeing, supporting and understanding why;


it pays for  building your style - body language, gestures, voice and dynamic presence;


for building your confidence that you have the foundations for successful authentic speaking;


for learning how to build trust, create connections, managing your energy


and for cementing your ability to get into speaking flow any time, any where ... oh and coffee, tea and a light, healthy food platter!




It also covers 3 bonuses



Bonus One

Free attendance at 4 Pivotal Public Speaking Meetups.  On those dates each month, you will be free to attend these Meetups - theory and practice with a different audience and further opportunities to develop and to network.  







Bonus Two:

A free copy of my printed e-book "From Anxious to Awesome.  A-H-A you CAN speak with confidence"  to support our mindset growth if you need it. 





Bonus Three: 

A free report - 10 Tips to keeping Audience Attention to add and reinforce strategies learned at the sessions. 





You can also choose to pay in 3 easy payments of $130 each, if that works better for you.



Register now, though, the next session is coming up soon, and the group is capped at 6.!  Invest and find out how it feels to be a "great speaker" - confident, effective, unique.



  Registrations close on Monday 18th April at 7 pm so I can satisfy venue requirements ...  




Which Risk-Free Payment

would you like?



Option One

(Best deal)



Pay in Full $360




Click here to register using this option



Option Two




Pay in 3 easy payments of $130.00 each



Click here to register using this option








