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Take the assessments, use the techniques to control your nerves and present with confidence.

Click here for the eBook:

 Overcome your

Fear of Public Speaking


You can create the image, the message and the impact that you choose

How to Create Impact with Your Presentation

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Pivotal Video




This is an educational presentation exploring humanity's water use and the emerging worldwide water shortage. It is designed to act as a stand-alone presentation. Enjoy!


(Winner of the World's Best Presentation Contest)





Guy Kawasaki

- The Art of the Start

How not to make a PowerPoint

Public Speaking Success Strategies



More Public Speaking Videos



Help I Have to Give a Speech!

Patricia Fripp, CSP, CPAE simplifies and demystifies the process of designing your presentation...fast! 

Selling Back-of-the-Room Without Being Thrown Off the Platform - recording of the teleseminar with Michael Soon Lee, MBA, CSP

Do you have products that just sit in your garage? You’re reticent to promote them without seeming smarmy. But you know they would be really useful to audience members, it’s okay with the client, and you want to introduce them. You want help now on how to do this in a way that feels comfortable and is effective.


Get the CD or download the MP3 recording








In the Line of Fire: How to Handle Tough Questions…When It Counts
by Jerry Weissman


Speaking and presenting is something I’m passionate about. Why? Because it’s another way to start conversations and build relationships. Or, it can be, if you think about how you present. Here are some recommendations on ways to turn your bullhorn into a party hat in the presentation world.